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Big lake and nature reserve with a numerous and species-rich duck and gull population.
The Zielfinger Vogelsee is a big lake and nature reserve of 33 hectares. Various species of ducks find both breeding grounds and feeding grounds in the silting-up zones with reed beds. A large number of other waterfowl search for food on the vegetation-free mud and gravel banks. During migration waders visit the area regularly. A walk around the lake in the morning dew is particularly charming, when the fog veils still move slightly over the lakes. Among the birds you can see are grågås, knölsvan, rödhuvad dykand, Skedand, vigg, skäggdopping, mindre strandpipare, skrattmås, medelhavstrut, gluttsnäppa, skogssnäppa and fisktärna.
Good way to explore the Zielfinger Vogelsee is the Zielfinger Seenweg, a walking trail of approximately 5 kilometers in length along the Zielfinger Vogelsee and the Waller/Karpfensee. Starting from the restaurant parking lot "Haus am See", the route leads about an hour's walk around the two lakes. Click on a P in the map to get directions to the parking of your choice.
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