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Known for its reed beds, patchwork meadows and riparian forests, the Wollmatinger Ried is the most renowned birding area in the region of Lake Constance.
The Wollmatinger Ried has reed beds, meadows and forests close to the shore. The 767 hectare nature reserve is a preferred resting and over-wintering spot for a quarter of all Lake Constance (Bodensee) waterfowl, besides also being an important breeding area.
There are several interesting possibilities to watch birds here:
1) a guided tour into otherwise restricted areas, starting at "Vogelhäusle" (see map), offered by NABU (
2) a walk along the "Reichenauer Damm", with an observation tower in the ruins of Schopflen castle ("Ruine Schopflen", see map).
3) a walk along the "Gottlieber Weg" (see map), a 1.3 km long path that is accessible without guided tours.
4) an observation platform located just inside the campsite of Hegne (see map)
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