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Shallow lake that attracts many birds,. During the bird migration season rare birds can turn up here.
The Wiebach Teich was created in 2015. It is an artificial lake, artificially flooded by a pumping system. Set in an open agricultural landscape and the huge open coalmine of Etzweiler nearby, the lake attracts a lot birds in a surprising wide range of species. Migration time is best to visit Wiebach Teich ; waders, ducks, herons, pipits, raptors, migrating cranes... it's surely worth at least two hours of your birding time. Two hides give good opportunities to watch and photograph the birds. The fields around the Wiebach Teich support buntings, warblers, larks... species as Little Egret, Glossy Ibis, Black Throated Diver, Temminck's Stint have turned up !
It's only a 10 minute detour from the Autobahn '4' - Aachen Cologne. Easy accessible between the villages of Berrendorf and Widdendorf. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
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