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224 hectares of shallow water and reed and former sludge deposits. About 250 species have been seen during the years.
The Wagbachniederung nature reserve includes the clarification ponds of the former Waghäusel sugar factory and the surrounding properties. It is one of the most important rest areas for waders in the inland of Germany. And one of the few breeding grounds of purpurhäger in Germany. Other birds you can see here include brun kärrhök, blåhake, kungsfiskare, sydnäktergal, rödhuvad dykand, skedstork and rörsångare.
The Wagbachniederung nature reserve is located 20 km southwest of Heidelberg. Parking at the nearby parking lot of the chapel, footpath of about 1 km passing a farm to the ponds. Cick on the P in the map for directions. If you ask, you may be allowed at the "Windsor" cafe parking lot, then it is half way.
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