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Bird island in lake Bugasee in the floodplains of the river Fulda near the city of Kassel.
The bird island is located in a park-like recreational area with a big lake (Bugasee) in the floodplains of the river Fulda (Fuldaaue). The elongated lake is used for swimming, surfing and fishing. Fortunately, the northern tip of the lake is a nature reserve and this is where the bird island is located. The island has banks that attract mindre strandpipare. During migration, many birds make a stop in the area. Birds you can see in the area include kungsfiskare, sydnäktergal, rörsångare, Sävsparv, Storskarv, svarthätta, domherre, Kricka and vigg. Rare birds that have been observed during migration are tretåig mås, skräntärna, Härfågel, tjockfot, gulbröstad snäppa and Rostgumpsvala.
You can get to the Kasseler Fuldaaue by driving from the Auestadion motorway exit in the direction of Auebad/Messehallen. You park your car at a parking lot on the Fulda. Click on the P in the map for directions. Between the boat houses, a path leads over the bridge at the swimming pool to the other side of the Fulda, to the Fuldaaue. You can make a circular walk around the Bugasee (about 3 km, see the map) or just walk to the viewpoint on the bird island.
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