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With an area of 316 hectares, the Urdenbacher Kämpe is the largest nature reserve in Düsseldorf. The mix of wet meadows, ponds and bushes attracts many birds.
The Urdenbacher Kämpe is a typical piece of old Lower Rhine cultural landscape with pollard willows, fruit trees and wet meadows. In Spring the flowering fruit trees are particularly worth seeing. The landscape is structured by rows of trees and hedges. As an intact meadow landscape, the areas of the Urdenbacher Kämpe that are not diked are regularly flooded by the Rhine. The meandering arc-shaped course of the Urdenbacher Altrhein corresponds roughly to the course that the Rhine had until the middle of the 14th century. Numerous wetlands and fens have formed in the area of the Old Rhine. In the event of flooding, the area is also filled with rising groundwater.
The fruit trees are the habitat of birds such as Gröngöling and rödstjärt. In the wetlands, ponds, hedges, forest areas and meadows many other birds can be seen or heard: kungsfiskare, rostand, kornknarr (very rare), kärrsångare, Skedand , mindre strandpipare, sydnäktergal, storskrake, Kricka, brunand, Smådopping, domherre, forsärla, halsbandsparakit and sommargylling.
You can make a nice circular walk of 10 km around the area. There is a parking at the end of the Urdenbacher Dorfstraße opposite the Ortweg. Click on the P in the map to get directions. Public transport: you can reach the area with Bus 788. Get off at busstop Mühlenplatz or Haus Bürgel.
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