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Complex of ponds located in the north of Tiefenau and east of Gorischheide. The ponds have a total area of 65 hectares and are used for fish farming.
Teichgebiet Tiefenau is a mosaic of small and large ponds, riparian forest, reed zones and adjacent meadows and fields. The paths run very close to the water, partly between the ponds with a good view of the water. Especially during the migratory season in spring and autumn, rarities can be seen, which are on migration or stay in the area during the winter. Among the birds that have been observed are vitögd dykand, mindre sångsvan, svartsnäppa, småskrake, natthäger and skäggtärna.
Parking is available in Tiefenau. Click on the P in the map for directions. You can also walk or bike to the area coming from the south. You can walk between the ponds. A circular route of 6 km is signposted. There are no observation towers or hides. But the riparian vegetation provides good cover.
It is recommended to stay on the paths that are easily passable. Away from the paths, you run the risk of stepping into old and dilapidated equipment of pond farming.
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