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Lake Tegernsee in Bavaria offers family-friendly birding at Gmund. Barrier-free lakeside access and diverse habitats host waterfowl and migratory birds.
The Tegernsee, located in Upper Bavaria, is a clear alpine lake surrounded by hills and forests, offering excellent birding opportunities. At its northern end in Gmund, the Mangfall River begins its flow. The well-maintained, barrier-free lakeside facilities provide easy access to birding spots, including a wooden bridge connecting both sides of the river and lake.
From the shore, common ducks and sothöna can often be observed. On the western side, a small reed belt creates a bird sanctuary, offering habitat for various species, such as sävsångare and kungsfiskare. stare use the reeds as roosting spots during migration, and riparian woodlands nearby host additional birdlife. In the evening, large stare flocks can be seen flying in, best observed from the lakeside on the eastern shore.
From Gmund train station, it’s a 10-minute walk to the lakeside and the Mangfall outlet. Follow signs toward the lake. The path is easy and well-marked. Paid parking is available nearby for those arriving by car. Press a P on the map for directions to a parking lot. Alternatively, this spot can be seamlessly included in a Tegernsee cycling tour, offering both birding and scenic views along the route.
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