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Two lakes in the dunes of Sankt-Peter-Ording.
The lakes in Sankt-Peter-Ording allow you to observe water birds and waders. The large dune lake is surrounded by reeds, while the small one lies in the dune landscape. All year round, gulls such as skrattmås,, Gråtrut, havstrut and fiskmås can be observed. In summer silltrut also appears. There are also many species of ducks such as Skedand, Kricka, bläsand, vigg, knipa and, more rarely, individual bergand.
On the small lake, waders such as grönbena and skogssnäppa can often be seen on mud flats. Many songbirds can be seen in the reeds and small trees. Worth mentioning are several breeding pairs of blåhake but also skäggmes, svarthakad buskskvätta and Sävsparv can be seen every year.
A special feature is the gråhakedopping, which has the only nesting site here on the west coast of North Friesland.
Sankt Peter-Ording is a seaside resort located on the North Sea coast, at the western tip of the Eiderstedt peninsula. There is a parking lot south of the lakes. Press P on the map for directions to the parking. From the parking the area can be explored on foot or by bike on the dike. The circular route indicated on the map is about 3 km.
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