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Lake Starnberg is an internationally important resting and wintering area for waterfowl. A nice area with lots of ducks, waterfowl and songbirds.
Lake Starnberg is the longest (21 km), the richest in water (3 billion m³) and with 5636 ha the second largest lake in Bavaria. Due to its enormous heat storage capacity, it is the last of the pre-Alpine lakes to freeze over, which happens about every 10 years. Lake Starnberg is an internationally important resting and wintering area for waterfowl. Due to the exceptional visibility depth of up to 14 m and the great water depth (maximum 128 m), it offers particularly good conditions for diving ducks and divers.
In the autumn and winter months, 20,000 waterfowl regularly rest here, in some years up to 25,000. Most birds (about 75% of winterers) stay in the Starnberger Bucht (Starnberg Bay), the Seeshaupter Bucht and around the Roseninsel (Rose Island). Seeshaupter Bucht at the southern end of Lake Starnberg is one of the best places in inland Germany to observe sea ducks and loons in the winter months. The main species are sothöna as well as vigg and brunand. During the entire winter, a good 85% of the resting birds can be assigned to these 3 species. But also good chances on knipa, storskrake, rödhuvad dykand, storlom and smålom.
In summer, Lake Starnberg is home to one of the largest fisktärna colonies in Bavaria. Also svarttärna breed on the lake.
The lake is located just 20 kilometres to the south-west of the city of Munich. The quickest way to reach the lake is on the A95 road or S-Bahn train line 6 via Starnberg to Tutzing. Beaches on the lake are within easy reach of the train stations and car parks in Tutzing, Possenhofen and Feldafing. You can explore the lake best on foot or by bike. You can do a long 50 km bike ride that takes you around the entire lake. But you can also only make stops at, for example Starnberger Bucht or the the Seeshaupter Bucht and explore these areas on foot. Or take the ferry to the Roseninsel.
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