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Large rewetted moorland with adjoining habitats.
The nature reserve "Stapeler Moor und Umgebung" serves to maintain and restore a stable, functionally networked population of upland moors that are as close to nature as possible with their own water balance. It is particularly useful for maintaining the breeding population of Trana, jorduggla, rödbena and Kricka. In the area, the habitats of raised bogs, bog heather areas, bog birch forests, structurally rich bog edges, raised bog grassland and dystrophic bodies of water with vibrating lawns at the edges are to be preserved. The raised bog grassland is extensively grazed and should provide habitat for sånglärka, buskskvätta, storspov and tofsvipa.
Source: Ordinance on the nature reserve “Stapeler Moor und Umgebung” (March 17, 2016) - District of Leer.
There is a parking lot near the moor adventure trail (Moorerlebnispfad). The region can be easily traveled by bike, as there is a good network of signposted cycle paths everywhere.
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