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The Schweinsberger Moor is a fen located south of the village Schweinsberg. The main part is covered with reed but there is also a small clear area of water.
The large reed areas of Schweinsberger Moor are breeding sites for rare warblers and tits. The small pond is a fairly visited resting place for geese, teal, grebes but also raptors like harriers. Especially during migration there is always a chance to spot a rarity and during spring and summer it invites for a nice walk around the vivid reed fen and through the little forest.
There is a carpark directly next to the fen near an information sign. You can visit Schweinsberg also by bus from Marburg, Stadtallendorf and Homber (Ohm) (bus lines 80, 85, ...). Also there a many small roads through the fields for going by bike.
If you want to walk a loop around the fen (4 km, see the map below) you have to go along the L3073 for a while. Be careful! It is recommended only for saturday or sunday mornings.
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