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A variety of habitats with a chain of ponds close to Schloss Seehof and the surrounding forested areas makes this a very rewarding birding area.
The Stocksee lake and the ponds of Schloss Seehof (Seehof-castle) are rich in breeding and wintering waterfowl and reed birds. You can make a nice walk along the ponds and through the neighbouring Hauptsmoorwald forest, where you can encounter many woodland birds. Along the way you can see a nice mix of water birds and forest birds. Among the birds you can see are 5 species of woodpecker, duvhök, , grönsångare, morkulla, sommargylling skrattmås kungsfiskare , Smådopping, vigg , Storskarv , gråhäger skäggdopping , Skedand , Kricka , snatterand , kanadagås , rödhuvad dykand, trastsångare , knölsvan andbrunand
Take the exit Memmelsdorf on motorway A 73. You can park on the big parking near Schloss Seehof or take the smaller, parking to the southwest of the castle. Click on a P in the map to get directions to the parking of your choice. The circular walk that is shown on the map is about 4,5 km long. Moreover, there is a bus-stop of the Bamberg city bus lines 907 and 927 at Schloss Seehof.
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