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A small artificial lake surrounded by cow pastures and a little forest.
Radenhäuser Lache has some small islands and shallow water zones, which are feeding and resting places for many waders on migration. All native duck species can be seen here from autumn to spring. vit stork breed in the area. The birds you can see here are a mix of water birds, waders, forest birds and grassland birds. During migration sometimes rarities can show up.
Easy accessible from L3048 by car and bike. Parking for maximum 2 Cars next to the road. After passing a pasture gate next to a little information sign, the path leads through a tiny forest and a cow pasture. After crossing a little creek you will finally reach a very nice hide (about 100m from the road) with a good view over the little lake.
Sometimes the cows block the path, but they are friendly and usually step aside.
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