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A small lake caused of land sinking through coal mine drift. Below ground water surface. Quite young nature reserve surrounded by wood and farmland.
A small young lake surrounded by wood and farmland. Was farmland until 2008. Flat, water level swinging with ground water. Beside the common species you would expect here, there are also breeding Smådopping. In summer lärkfalk hunt dragonflies. gråhäger are here the entire year and in winter even rare species may show up once in a while like rödhuvad dykand and salskrake . Several wader species are seen during migration time.
In the very east of Dortmund in eastern Ruhr region. The road west of the lake is called Pleckenbrink. No regular parking spaces, road closed for vehicles a few hundred meter north and south. You need to park a few hundred meters to the south or the north at the road side. But walking and cycling is possible. With public transport, use line 43 to station Wickede Post, then walk about 2 km on road Pleckenbrink to the north. There is no trail around the lake, but the road Pleckenbrink is close enough to give a good view from there.
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