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The nature reserve Ober-Mooser Teich (56.5 ha) is located in the southeastern area of the Vogelsberg. Over 100 species of birds have been seen in the area.
The ponds of nature reserve Ober-Mooser Teich are used by water birds, and waders when the water level is low, as a migration and resting area. The breeding birds in the area include: skäggdopping and Smådopping, occasionally svarthalsad dopping, gräsand, brunand and vattenrall.
You can park on the parking lot at the campsite, Am Camping 1, 36399 Freiensteinau. Click on the P in the map to get directions. You can walk around the Ober-Mooser Teich lake (3,4 km) or combine it with a bigger tour around the two other lakes (Nieder-Mooser Teich and Rothenbach) in the area. This longer trail is 12,5 km. Both trails are shown on the map.
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