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The nature reserve "Untere Nuthseen" is located west of Goch not far from the Dutch border and has a size of almost 18 hectares.
The area is embedded in a predominantly arable cultural landscape and consists on the one hand of a tripartite chain of ponds with narrow siltation reeds and small grey willow and alder bushes. On the other hand it comprises a drifting willow, which has very different site conditions due to dry areas, terrain edges, embankments and a deep wet depression.
Because of the many habitats, many different species can also be found there. The species repertoire ranges from the knölsvan and gulsparv to grå flugsnappare and turturduva.
There is no real parking place, but there are still parking possibilities. The area itself can only be reached by road or on foot via footpaths.
An old fishing hut can be used as a viewpoint. The area is also interesting for botanists.
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