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These fishing ponds near the Woterfitzsee have a great bird watching hide and are part of the large Müritz National Park.
The area around the Zartwitzer Fischteiche consists of forest, heathland, marshland, lakes and the Havel stream. A beautiful walk takes you towards the Woterfitzsee and to the beautiful bird watching screen at the fishing ponds. Accessible by car, bicycle and on foot. Birds you can see in the area include törnskata, Trana, röd glada, havsörn, Smådopping, gransångare and hämpling.
In the village of Kratzeburg take the road towards Granzin, at the Havelkrug Granzin follow the road and after 50 meters take the exit on the left towards Babke. Follow this road to the Fisherei which is located on the left of the road where you can park (car). Here you can eat delicious fish etc and have a drink. From here you can either cycle or walk by car to the bird hide as indicated on the map (about 5 km one way). The area is best explored by bike or on foot, but the same road can be used by car, although it is often hard and sandy.
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