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Artificial lake with reed beds that attracts various bird species and is very worthwhile for birding at the right time of the year.
Moorlinse is an important resting and breeding place for many birds in the north of Berlin. brun kärrhök and gråhakedopping breed here, havsörn can be seen circling in search of food and the wetland is also popular with migrating birds, shore birds and water birds. On some autumn days up to 1000-2000 grågås gather here. In October and November this is a good spot to regularly see groups of bläsgås and tundrasädgås .
Also Fiskgjuse is sometimes seen. Some of the other birds you can encounter are vit stork, kungsfiskare, vattenrall, Trana, trastsångare, rörsångare and skäggmes.
The trees and bushes along the path between the pond and train tracks are full of passerines in spring and summer, such as sydnäktergal, svarthätta and trädgårdssångare.
And in the fields around the pond, svarthakad buskskvätta and gulärla are regularly seen.
Park directly at the S-Bahn station Berlin-Buch and walk about 3-5 minutes. With a viewing platform (with steps) from the street, also for wheelchair users.
Easily accessable by bike from the city.
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