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Leipzig's South Cemetery is a small urban idyll that is home to many interesting animals and plant species.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, Leipzig's South Cemetery (Südfriedhof) offers a relaxed and quiet birding experience, especially if you want to visit the Monument to the Battle of the Nations (Völkerschlachtdenkmal) next door.
At the Südfriedhof, you can observe, among other birds gulhämpling, rödstjärt, svart rödstjärt, tornfalk, svarthätta, större hackspett, Gröngöling, brandkronad kungsfågel, grå flugsnappare, bofink, gärdsmyg and taltrast which are common in city parks and forests. In addition to birds, the Südfriedhof also offers the opportunity to observe hares, deer and foxes, especially in the morning and evening hours.
The Leipziger Südfriedhof is located south of the city center of Leipzig. The Südfriedhof has various entrances and is accessible on foot. Just take the nearest entrance (north, east, south). If you are coming by car, I recommend the north entrance. Click on the P in the map for directions to a parking. If you come by tram, get off at the stops “Völkerschlachtdenkmal” (north entrance) or “Südfriedhof” (east entrance) on lines 2 or 15. Another option is bus line 70, get off at stop “An der Tabaksmühle” (north entrance).
Important: Please note the opening hours! From April to October: 07:00 to 21:00. From November to March: 08:00 to 18:00. There are many paths to explore the Südfriedhof. The indicated route on the map is about 3 km.
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