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Nature reserve of 180 hectares in the floodplains of the river Rhine. The diverse mosaic of habitats attracts many birds.
The Laubenheimer-Bodenheimer Ried is located in the Bodenheimer Aue in the Upper Rhine lowlands near Mainz. A diverse mosaic of floodplain-specific habitats has developed in former clay pits, silted-up flood channels of the Rhine and on agricultural land. The ponds and meadows are surrounded by reeds. On the electricity pylons that run through the area, you can find the largest vit stork colony in Rheinland Pfalz. Among the birds you can observe in the area are Kricka, rödhuvad dykand, vigg, gök, tofsvipa, ägretthäger, röd glada, Brun glada, sånglärka, gulsparv, sydnäktergal and svarthakad buskskvätta.
The Laubenheimer-Bodenheimer Ried is located 7 km south of the city of Mainz. No official parking spaces, limited parking available along the Kretzerweg in Mainz-Laubenheim. Click on the P in the map for directions. Arrival by public transport: Mainz-Laubenheim station (from there walk about 1 km towards Bodenheim). Bus 61, 63 (Riedweg stop).
The circular walking route indicated on the map is about 6,5 km. Note that after rainy weather many paths are covered in puddles and extremely muddy.
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