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The artificial lakes of the gravel quarry in Kleinpösna are surrounded by agricultural land.
Kiesgrube Kleinpösna offers a few artificial lakes as well as agricultural fields. Here, you can find bird species such as grågås, bläsgås, tofsvipa, nilgås, vigg, brunand, gransångare, sädesärla, steglits, bofink, ormvråk, röd glada , sparvhök and many more.
NOTE: This whole area is still an active gravel quarry, and there's a highway nearby. So it isn't the most idyllic and quiet birding spot. Also, the Northeastern lake is heavily used by fishermen.
Perhaps this area might need a few more years to develop into a really nice birding spot!
Kiesgrube Kleinpösna is located directly east of the village of Kleinpösna. There's a parking lot. Press P on the map for directions to the parking. From there, you can take a walk around the northeastern lake (about 4 km). The area is also accessible by bike.
Public Transport: It is a 20 minute /6.5 km bike ride from the S Bahn station Borsdorf (Sachs) that comes from Leipzig.
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