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The whole area is known for its wine growing. The terraces on the southern slopes of this little mountain range are a special habitat due to its warm climate.
The Kaiserstuhl (Emperor’s Chair) is a range of hills with a maximum height of 556.6 metres and is of volcanic origin. It is one of the warmest regions in Germany and has a vast richness of thermophile flora and fauna. The Kaiserstuhl is for example one of the places with the largest variety of orchids in Europe – more than 30 species have been recorded. But the area is also good for observing birds. It is a good place to see häcksparv, biätare, Härfågel, törnskata, gråspett, ortolansparv and others.
The area can be explored by feet, by bike and by wheelchair, as most of the paths through the wine terraces are well made. There are many opportunities for hiking in the Kaiserstuhl and many marked trails. The circular walk indicated on the map is 4 km long. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking.
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