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Large moor/bog area with an observation tower. Good area to see Trana, but also sångsvan.
The Hasenmoor is difficult to find and therefore a quiet place of boggy moorland. An observation tower overlooks a large lake where peat was extracted in the past. Birds can be observed from there, but the ca. 500 meter long path from the small parking lot to the tower also allows great views of birds. The area is best enjoyed early in the morning.
On the B206 travelling towards Bad Segeberg take a left in the small village Fuhlenrüe and follow the small road to a sign that will lead you to the observation tower. The roads are narrow but Google Maps is accurate and you can drive all the way to the small (3 cars maximum) parking lot. From there its about 500 m on foot to the observation tower. Beware, the final stretch of road is very narrow. If the car park is full, be prepared to drive backwards to the next intersection!
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