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For birders living in Berlin this area is easily accessible, even without a car (e.g. Public transport or bike).
The combination of forest and the nearby river Havel provides a nice combination of forestbirds and waterfowl. The Havel river is also used for navigation by migrating flocks of all sorts (I once saw a tajgablåstjärt here but this absolutely a rarity. There is a platform that overlooks the Pechsee (a small protected swampy area) which most years has a pair of breeding Trana. From there, there are several interesting sites within walking distance, like Dahlemer Feld, a small sandy, semi-open terrain in the middel of the Grunewald. Especially in summer this heathlike terrain can offer nice surpises like sommargylling , Bivråk , morkulla and a fair change on trädlärka. A good starting point is the Grunewald Turm, which has a large parking lot, a busstop and a restaurant. One could for instance first walk a circle through the forest, take a rest in the restaurant and then another circular walk along the river Havel. Paths are well marked and enriched with information signs about the forest and its wildlife. As it is near the city the location attracts quite a few visitors on weekends and holidays in summer. Not the best place for birders who like to enjoy nature quietely. However during weekdays and in autumn or winter it can be very quiet. A walk along the river Havel and Am Grossen Fenster can be rewarding in any time of the year as in Winter one can see various waterbirds like knipa , storskrake and ägretthäger .
There is a busline that stops at the Grunewald Turm and many walking and biking trails start from there. The Grunewald Turm is also accessible by car and has a large parking lot.
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