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Next to the ferry harbour of Puttgarden a system of bracky lagoons, dunes and mudflats has developed. A nature reserve since 1938.
Grüner Brink is one of the best birding places in the region. The ferry route connecting Puttgarden to Rødbyhavn in Denmark is called 'Vogelfluglinie' , as this is the migration route of many birds, including raptors and seabirds. Besides migrants, also some attractive breeding birds are found here, several of them have disappeared outside the reserve. A walk around the reserve will allow you to see several different habitats and the birds that belong there. Check the pine trees for Mindre korsnäbb and hornuggla. In the lagoons, there are breeding gråhakedopping. On the beach, småtärnaand större strandpipare nest. In the end of May and in August/September, a significant passage of Bivråk can occur. Many different waders take a stop on their migration. In the corresponding seasons, many migrating seabirds pass offshore, e.g. prutgås, ejder, sjöorre, svärta, divers. Keep watching for skuas in late summer and autumn. Winter is quieter, but you still can find good birds such as skärsnäppa or skäggmes.
By car or bicycle, go west from Puttgarden village. At Johannisberg, turn north on the road 'Krummensiek'. Parking is possible at the reserve. You can also walk from the ferry harbour or the Puttgarden camping ground following the beach. Access by wheelchair limited to following the dyke.
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