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An inland dune in the Hessian Rhine plain. Many bird species that are rare in Germany can be seen here.
The Griesheimer dunes and oak groves are relicts of extremely rare and endangered types of vegetation with their very own typical fauna. In addition to the last remnants of sand-steppe plant species, heat-loving insect species and rare bird species also feel at home here. With the adjacent oak forest and steppe area, the Griesheimer Düne nature reserve offers a habitat that is very rare in Germany. It is therefore not surprising that rare bird species have settled here. Notable and confirmed species that occur here include the trädlärka, stenskvätta, buskskvätta and the Härfågel.
Parking: Südring 3, 64347 Griesheim (This is the parking of Vereinsheims Retaurant SV St. Stephan 1953). Click on the P in the map to get directions. From the parking you can walk to the area and explore it on foot.
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