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Trana watching at sunset. Gathering of Trana who are going to sleep in the neighbouring moors. They leave at once, which is very spectacular.
Near the Freistattermoor (part of the Diepholz district in Lower Saxony) the Trana are gathering in big numbers at sunset before they leave to spend the night in the neighbouring moors. They leave at once, all together, which is very spectacular!
This spot is a parkingplace from where you can watch the flocks of Trana gather (See the P on the map). It is is much less crowded compared to the popular watchtowers in the moors (Neustadtermoor, RhedenerGeestmoor, Oppenwehermoor).
The areas around Diepholz are famous for the gathering of Trana every autumn. Diepholz has 24,000 hectares of peat bogs in eleven different areas. Between the areas are small villages and lots of corn fields and grassland. Most visitors are gathered around a few large observation towers, and the rest of the area is usually quiet. The thousands of birds gather here in Germany during the Trana migration to fat up for their trip to the more southern wintering grounds. During this period, the number may reach in the tens of thousands. During te day the birds are foraging (feeding) on the different corn fields in the area and in the evening they fly in great numbers to their sleeping places in the peat bogs around Diepholz. The best time of the year, with the biggest amounts of Trana is during the last two weeks of october, and the first week in november.
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