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A beautiful beech forest with a great atmosphere, perfect for a short trip.
Central Europe was once covered by beech forests, but they have become rare. Here near Zusmarshausen, the forest still provides shelter for many animal species that depend on this habitat, like the mellanspett and gråspett for example. Besides other woodpecker species you can find skogsduva, sparvhök, kattuggla and stenknäck in this area.
The forest is located directly south of the village of Zusmarshausen. There is a parking lot called Parkplatz am Horn on the western edge of the forest. Press P on the map for directions. At the parking several circular trails through the forest begin. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 4,5 km. The forest is best accessible on foot but can also be explored by bike. The forest is only a 5 minute bikeride from the centre of the village. Public Transport: There is no train station in Zusmarshausen, but there are buses that come from Augsburg.
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