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This artificial lake almost never freezes over due to its size and is therefore the best place for hibernating waterfowl in northern Bavaria.
The lake is well known for attracting the less commoner species like svarthakedopping, storlom, smålom, svärta and småskrake. Naturally, if you want to visit the whole area, you can spend a full day of birding in the area. If your time budget is limited focus on the small village Ramsberg on the southern shore, which is in my opinion the best position. In case you have more time at hand, view below the section "Birdingplaces nearby" where I've added some other rewarding places around the lake.
In Ramsberg you can park your car at the end of the "Untere Dorfstraße" and follow the path to the shoreline. From here the eastern half of the lake can be overlooked. Walking the path to the left you reach soon a good viewpoint for the western part. Furthermore, around the marina closeby (follow the Leitenbuckstraße the centre of the village to reach a big car park outside of the village) gråhakedopping, storskrake and Gulls ( medelhavstrut, kaspisk trut and fiskmås) are found regularly.
The national route B2 runs close to the eastern shore connecting the area with the motorway A6 in the north (exit Roth). Coming from the south leave the A9 at Hilpoltstein and follow afterwards the signposts to Heideck and Pleinfeld.
Ramsberg has a train station, as have also Langlau and Pleinfeld. If you consider to visit more than just one position a car is indispensable.
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