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Beautiful walk overlooking the Lübecker Bucht (Bay) following the sand cliffs. Large colony of backsvala.
This walk is maybe not a birding hot spot but you have the opportunity to enjoy the Baltic Sea without so many hotels and other buildings, walking on top of the sand cliffs. Try to avoid bank holidays or weekends especially in spring and summer when it can be packed. Birds in summer are of course backsvala, småskrake and strandskata. Maybe the best time to birdwatch is between late autumn and early spring when the Brodtener Ufer is the best place around Lübeck to spot northern ducks and divers. In the past winters there were even some distant Gannets hanging around the Lübecker Bucht. For all kinds of the interesting species a scope is absolutely necessary.
You can get there by the bus line 40 from Lübeck, or you drive by car. To explore the area it´s best to walk.
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