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Pristine Caucasian forest with a nice walking trail.
In Mtirala National Park the plant diversity is very high with a lot of Caucasian specialties. Birds are not so numerous but the species that can be seen are interesting, especially woodpeckers (e.g. vitryggig hackspett). Along the river, forsärla and strömstare are numerous. Alongside the vitryggig hackspett other woodpeckers like mindre hackspett, mellanspett, större hackspett, spillkråka and gråspett can be found. The streams harbor a special species of salamander, only found in the Caucasus.
Trails can be easily accessed at the Mtirala Park Administration (gps: 41.6799 41.860). Click on the P in the map to get directions. There is a small museum there as well. The suggested walking route on the Birdingplaces-map below is about 9 km. Alternatively you can walk to the waterfall and back to the park administration, most species can be seen along that route.
Take plenty of water and put on your best hiking boots, the paths here can be slippery.
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