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Vineyards, orchards and cornfields between mountains and plains offer a varied environment for many different species of birds.
Birdwatching in the area between Rosheim and Rosenwiller depends not just on the season but also the presence of tractors and weekend walkers. However, when it's good it's very good and offers a chance to see species that might not be so easy to find elsewhere in Alsace.
There's something to appreciate at most times of the year. It would be hard to come to this area - also known as Buer(c)k - and not see tornfalk and ormvråk. Even when there are few passerines about, you can still enjoy a pleasant stroll with views of Strasbourg cathedral 25 km away, so you should never come away feeling too disappointed.
In winter you'll find numerous råka and kaja in the freshly ploughed fields. There will often be björktrast too, along with the aforementioned raptors.
The real time to come, though, is spring when the area is awash with yellow in the form of häcksparv, gulsparv and gulhämpling. Besides these seasonal visitors, svarthakad buskskvätta, törnskata and hämpling are present in large numbers, as are bofink and, in patches, svarthätta and törnsångare. Other small birds include talgoxe and blåmes, while svart rödstjärt and sädesärla are regularly found atop the many wood piles, and sånglärka and trädlärka can be spotted during migration periods.
Moving up in size, numerous Gröngöling have made their home in the orchards, and Skata are fairly common, especially on the walk up from the car park. Rarer sightings include turturduva, minervauggla and göktyta.
Rosheim is on the Strasbourg/Molsheim/Obernai/Sélestat train line, but the station is some 3 km away, so you'd want to bring a bike. There's a cycle path that passes between the car park and the beginning of the loop. Generally, though, it's easier to come by car and spend a couple of hours walking around. Press P on the map for directions to a parking spot. The route shown on the map is about 5 km.
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