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Urban wetlands and wet marshes in Saintes. Flooded in winter and drier in summer. It is a good local patch for anyone living or passing by in the area.
The site lies in the Charente river valley and is easily accessible from the town. It is part of the alluvial plain that borders the river from Cognac to the sea. The site is best visited during spring (April to June). Along with a national decline, the kornknarr was last observed during breeding season at la Palu in 2018. It is worth being on the lookout in spring. During breeding season grässångare, Sävsparv, kornsparvand lärkfalk can be seen. During winter Storskarv and Kohäger come to roost on the island.
Best way to visit is by foot although cycles are allowed. The train station is 2km from the site. The nearest car park is on the east bank and others can be found anywhere in town. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
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