
La Belle Henriette

Vendée  >  France

Observing birds is easy around this coastal lagoon. Gulls, shorebirds, sedentary and migrants. A few passing birds of prey. Passerines in the wooded fringes.

Tillagd* av Eric Cordier
Senast uppdaterad 23 augusti 2023


La Belle Henriette is a lagoon influenced by the tides. The lagoon has dunes, salt marsh, beach and a wooded border. The nature reserve is managed by the LPO (Birdlife France) and covers 337 hectares. On the edge of salt meadows svartbent strandpipare lays its eggs at the top of the beach. On dune environments fältpiplärka appreciates the low and sparse vegetation to hide its nest.


Français: Laridés, limicoles, sédentaires et de passage. Quelques rapaces de passage. Passereaux dans les franges boisées. Obs facile tout autour. Accès RN interdit. Lagune influencée par les marées, dunes, plage, bordure boisée.



La Belle Henriette is located between La Tranche sur Mer and La Faute sur Mer. Parking next to the Casino in La Faute sur Mer. Click on the P in the map for directions. Easy to find footpath. The paths are laid out both for the safety and comfort of users of the reserve, but also for the preservation of fauna and flora. So please stay on the paths, access to the nature reserve outside the paths is strictly prohibited.


Français: Stationnement à côté du Casino de La Faute/Mer. Chemin piétonnier facile à trouver. Accès RN rigoureusement interdit.

Terräng och habitat

Våtmark , Strand , Gyttjig strand , Dyner , Hav / ocean


Sandigt , Platt , Ingen skugga , Öppet landskap



Tubkikare behövs?

Kan vara användbart

Bästa säsong för skådning

Året runt

Bästa tid för ett besök

Vårsträck , Höststräck


Bred stig

Hur ansträngande vandring

Lätt vandring


Till fots

Fågeltorn / plattform


Extra information

Photo Réserve naturelle nationale de la Belle Henriette, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons


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