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Quite large water body surrounded by a narrow line of trees.
Particularly good for ducks during autumn migration and winter if birds have not been flushed out. Possibly dozens of brunand, vigg, snatterand, skäggdopping or sothöna. In november a loon is possible.
In the field north of the lake tjockfot, mindre strandpipare and tofsvipa are possible breeders depending on the year and in November and March, the small section of wet grassy area is a good spot for dvärgbeckasin.
Good number of passerines always possible in bushes and trees surrounding the lake particularly during migration period.
You can park near the railway along the village. The area is best explored by walking.
The area is very close to the village and particularly during weekend there can be a few walkers with their dog or fishermen.
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