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An easily accessible place with a parking and forest trails to see the korsikansk nötväcka and trädkrypare.
A parking lot at the side of the road where several Corsican pigs roam. The location is surrounded by Corsican conifers, in which the korsikansk nötväcka hides. In addition, there is a beautiful viewpoint on a rocky plateau. Other forest birds such as the Corsican subspecies of the nötskrika and the trädkrypare can also be found here.
The Col de Vergio is a mountain pass between Evisa and Corte and is only accessible by car. There is a fairly large parking lot at the site. On the side of the parking lot is a large rocky clearing with a viewpoint. On the other side of the road, a forest path leads up the mountain, where we found the korsikansk nötväcka.
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