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Large observatory of Chambord park, overlooking a clearing at the edge of the forest. You can see birds of prey and forest birds, but also deer and wild boar.
Domaine National de Chambord, an estate of 5540 hectares, not only has a magnificent castle but also many observatories where to watch, well hidden in the forest, deer, wild boar, foxes but also birds. More than 150 bird species have been seen in the area. From the observatory you can observe raptors: ormvråk tornfalk Brun glada as well as small passerines: talgoxe blåmes. Apart from the observatories dedicated to observation, there are a large number of nature trails.
Français: Grand observatoire du parc de Chambord, donnant sur une clairière en bord de forêt. On peut y observer des rapaces : ormvråk tornfalk Brun glada ainsi que des petits passereaux: talgoxe blåmes. Lors de la période du brame du cerf, ont peut également observer des mammifères (cerfs, sangliers, renards...).
To access the observatory, you must park in the parking lots of the Chambord park and walk to the observatory (700m). Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking.
Français: Pour accéder à l'observatoire, il faut vous garer sur les parking du parc de Chambord et vous rendre à pieds jusqu'à l'observatoire (700m).
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