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In the spring and autumn, when migratory birds fly over the area in large flocks, the area turns into a birdwatcher's paradise.
The forests at Porkkala represent mixed forests of the temperate zone. The area's nature is versatile, and you can find old, pristine forests and barren, rocky islets. Porkkala is well known amongst birdwatchers because many migratory birds fly over the area. The most popular observation points are Lähteelä/Sunds birdwatching tower and observation platforms at Haahka rest area and at the southern point of Pampskatan. These observation points are located near the parking areas, so it is easy to carry a telescope.
Porkkala has a considerable population of ejder and it is also an important rest area for alfågel. Breeding birds are typical for the area and there are plenty of them nesting on the rocky islets: Gråtrut, knölsvan, vitkindad gås and grågås. Also roskarl and rödbena nest in the area. The list of migrating birds you can see here is long, also see the birdlist below. Birds that are seen the most are svärta, knipa, storskrake, småskrake, Trana, skärsnäppa, kustlabb, storlom, smålom, praktejder, Bivråk, brun kärrhök, blå kärrhök, fjällvråk and havsörn.
The nature reserve of Porkkala is located in the south point of the municipality of Kirkkonummi. By Car: From the Western highway (main road no 51) near the centre of Kirkkonummi, drive to Porkkalantie road (road no 11247) and continue that road for 19 km. Option 1: turn right to Dragetintie road. Turn further right to Tullandintie road. There are several parking areas along Tullandintie road. Option 2: turn left to Källvikintie road and you will reach the parking area of Lähteelä.
By Bus: Coach service no 902 drives via Kirkkonummi train station and goes to the bus stop at the end of Porkkalantie road.
Pampskatan trail is an easy walking trail in the southern tip of Porkkalanniemi headland. It takes the hiker all the way to Pampskatan with its amazing sea views. Follow red markers. While the beginning of the trail from Porkkalan portti parking area to Merikotka cooking shelter is easy, the southern end in Pampskatan will challenge walkers with a steep climb.
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