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The lake of Iidesjärvi is a good and easy place for birdwatching if you are visiting the Tampere area.
Iidesjärvi is a lake located near the centre of Tampere. It was once one of the best birding places in Pirkanmaa, but construction etc. has reduced the number of the nesting birds in the lake. But the lake has still a wide range of nesting birds and during migration season many other species migrate over the lake. For example during best days of the migration, you can see thousands of Trana and geese migrating overhead. Currently the most common nesting birds are sothöna, bläsand, gräsand and skäggdopping. Rarities are also found in the area every year. Best time to visit is during spring, summer and autumn. In addition to the observation tower, you can walk on the south shore of the lake.
The observation tower is located at the eastern end of the lake. It is easily accessible by car or public transport (bus or tram). The parking place is near the tower, but especially in early spring the road there may be in poor condition. If you are staying in the center of Tampere, you can also walk to the tower. The distance is about 4 kilometers. If you want to walk on the south shore of the lake, a parking place can be found next to the carpet wash on the south shore.
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