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Road behind the Vuosaari harbour with an observation deck and a wide view to the sea.
A surprising place behind the noise barrier of the Vuosaari harbour with a wide view to the sea, some closeby islands and reed areas. It is possible to spot havsörn and Fiskgjuse fishing at the sea and families of knölsvan and sångsvan are a regular sight in summer.
fiskmås , havstrut , skrattmås , silltrut , skräntärna , fisktärna and silvertärna fish in the area and gulls often patrol the road itself too. stenskvätta is also a regular species. Kricka , gräsand , storskrake , småskrake , knipa , skäggdopping , småskrake , kanadagås and vitkindad gås are among the water fowl that have been seen there and you can spot birds on the closeby islands as well. Some lucky birders have spotted skäggmes on the closeby reeds too.
There's a parking place close to the beginning of the road. It's also possible to walk and cycle there.
Curious visitors can climb on top of the observation deck called Horisontti and observe the comings and goings of the Vuosaari harbour.
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