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Stige Ø is a peninsula north of Odense. The inlet is home to many waterfowl and the area has a varied vegetation, with many different birds.
Stige ø is a peninsula between Odense Fjord and Odense Canal. Part of the island was formerly a landfill, but is now covered with soil and a popular excursion and activity area. There are walking paths, a playground, an ice house, mountain bike tracks and shelters The area has a varied nature with many bushes with small birds such as steglits, gulsparv and törnsångare. There are also areas with reed beds where there are rörsångare, sävsångare and Sävsparv.
Many waterfowl are seen in the fjord and in winter large flocks of knölsvan, sothöna are seen, and it is an important wintering site for Smådopping. You can also see birds of prey, especially tornfalk and ormvråk, but also havsörn which breeds on the nearby and Pilgrimsfalk which breed on the nearby Fjernvarme Fyn.
Stige Ø nord is the area north of the parking lot at Sortehusene. It is characterized by meadow areas. You enter the area through a gate, as there are livestock. There are several wading birds in the area and in winter you can see jorduggla. You also get quite close to Vigelsø, where havsörn often is seen hunting.
Stige Ø is located just north of the city of Odense. There is no public transport. You can get there by car or bike. The parking lot by the ice cream shop is the best starting point. The parking lot at Sortehusene is the best starting point if you want to go out to Stige Ø north. Press on a P on the map for directions to one of the parkings. During weekends and school holidays there can often be quite a lot of people out here, but you can still often find some quiet areas where you can watch birds.
The bird hide is difficult to access and does not offer better observation opportunities than from the path.
The circular route is 4 km, and can be followed by gps. There are possibilities to choose other paths.
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