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Fine place for watching migrating birds in the autumn.
Rosenvold Vejle Fjord is a good place to watch bird migration from late July until November. You can see many species and it is a nice place for birding. Especially in southwestern winds you can experience the migration of small birds well. Bird of prey are also seen regularly. Due to Vejlefjord's great depth, seabirds can sometimes also be seen in the fjord, which is otherwise unusual for southeast Jutland. Among the birds you can expect are Bivråk, Fiskgjuse, tordmule, havssula, bofink, bergfink, steglits, sädesärla and gulärla.
Public parking is nearby. Click on the P in the map to get directions. From the parking it is an 800 meter walk. Go to the place of the marker on the map and enjoy the birds. Birding is best in the morning
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