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Many birds in a little natural oasis surrounded by buildings.
Kagsmosen is a small protected bog that is squeezed inside by the motorway and buildings. In the 19th century, the swampy and difficult-to-penetrate area was part of the large fortification that encircled Copenhagen with Vestvolden, Utterslev Mose and the defense batteries in the north. Vestvolden lost its significance from 1920 and in 1939 they began to make Kagsmosen more audience-friendly and built paths. The area is now laid out as a park but has retained its character of bog with several peat digging lakes and canals. In certain areas, nature care is carried out for the benefit of animals and plants. Breeding waterfowl include Smådopping, gråhakedopping, knölsvan, grågås, rörhöna and sothöna. The area also houses breeding större hackspett, stjärtmes, björktrast and näktergal as well as many songbirds, including rörsångare and kärrsångare. In previous years, the relatively rare pungmes has bred in the bog. trädgårdsträdkrypare has been found breeding since 2012. ormvråk and brun kärrhök breed in certain years. On Vestvolden up to the bog or in the bog itself, sparvhök often breed.
Kagsmosen is also an excellent bird area for resting and migrating birds. Many ducks, geese and Kricka, Skedand, vigg and brunand can be seen and many of birds of prey. Especially ormvråk and also Bivråk, and occasionally röd glada, duvhök, fjällvråk, havsörn, Fiskgjuse and blå kärrhök. Trana annually pass the bog. In addition, many species of waders, larks, swallows, pipers, thrushes, songbirds and finches migrate through the area. The winter season often offers a lot of ducks and sångsvan, as well as occasionally storskrake, herons, raptors and waterfowl. Apart from many different passerines, it is sometimes possible to see strömstare and in certain years flocks of invading sidensvans. A few years ago trädgårdsträdkrypare started to overwinter here. kungsfiskare is a seldom but regular guest in the area.
In winter, you can visit the nearby locality Harrestrup Å, Islev (Marked with a star on the map), where especially the stretch between Brunevang and the motorway can show both kungsfiskare, strömstare and forsärla.
It is easy to reach Kagsmosen by public transport. Bus 350S from Copenhagen stops at Herlev Hovedgade/Frederikssundsvej right next door. One can also take the S-train to Husum Station which is right next to Vestvolden and the bog. If you come by car you can park on Vindingevej near Husum Station.
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