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A cycle path along the Labe River with the Střekov floodgate as a key spot for watching Storskarv and gulls resting on the divider wall between hunts.
The southern part of Ústí nad Labem, featuring the Střekov floodgate located below Střekov Castle, is a great stationary (or short walk) birding spot, especially for waterfowl. The river Labe widens here and the floodgate bridge offers perching spots right in the middle of the river stream.
On the eastern side, a cycle path runs right along the riverbank beneath the castle remains, connecting the city to the outskirts. Besides the flowing river surrounded by scattered patches of forest, the castle hill offers access to a forest with a viewpoint, reachable in about 30 minutes on foot.
Throughout most of the year, this area hosts Storskarv and various gull species, including skrattmås and fiskmås. gräsand and knölsvan can be spotted on the river, and with some luck you could also distinguish storskrake. If you decide to stroll around into grassy areas instead, you'll encounter a range of corvids: Skata, gråkråka and svartkråka, råka and korp alongside many songbirds – sädesärla, svart rödstjärt or blåmes and talgoxe.
The Labe Floodgate area is an easy walk from the city center of Střekov due to the connection of the cycle path. There are bus stops nearby making it easy to reach by public transport.
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