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A quiet little village with great number of birds of prey and other birds that spread over the fields and local ponds.
In the surroundings of the village of Bolehost throughout the year you can observe many different bird species. All year round we have birds of prey in the local fields and they also come and visit the local ponds looking for food. Among the birds you can encounter are svart stork, Härfågel, Bivråk, havsörn, brun kärrhök, gök, spillkråka, mindre hackspett, balkanspett, törnskata, Varfågel, stenknäck, and göktyta.
You can park anywhere in the village and leave your car. But you can also get to the the area by train or explore the area by bike. Best areas are the fields as you come into Bolehost near the trainstation and the main round coming in from Ledce. The circular route shown on the map is about 12 km long, but can be easily shortened.
There are scatted hides around the village that can be used. Just be careful going up the ladders can be slippery.
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