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Modern design observation tower from where you have a beautiful view of the floodplains of the Lonjsko Polje Nature Reserve.
Vidikovac Kosac is an observation tower with a striking design in Lonjsko Polje Nature Reserve. Over 230 bird species have been recorded in this nature reserve of 500km². This area of floodplains is very rich in birds. For example in 2022 more than 35.000 geese and other northen European birds wintered here.
Lonjsko Polje Nature Reserve is about 100 km from Zagreb. A the entrance of the nature reserve in the village of Repušnica, there is the Repušnica visitor center where there is a parking and additional information. Click on the P in the map for directions. From the visitor centre it is about 2,5 km to the observation tower.
Other parts of Lonjsko Polje Nature Reserve have been described in a separate entry on Birdingplaces. See the link below.
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