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Beautiful walk around Mali Lošinj in a protected part of the Lošinj bay, on the eastern side of the island Lošinj in the northern Adriatic Sea.
Mali Lošinj is a town located in the most protected part of the island of Lošinj. On a walk on the west side of the town many bird species can be seen in this varied area, also from the coast and in the harbor. Among the birds you can observe are turturduva, toppskarv, rödstrupig sångare, sammetshätta and häcksparv.
The town of Mali Lošinj is located on the island Lošinj in the northern Adriatic Sea. Parking is possible in Mali Lošinj or at one of the campsites. Click on a P in the map for directions. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 12,5 km. Note: Avoid the crowds! In high season it can be very busy, especially in the afternoon. The area is best for birding in spring and autumn.
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