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Over 230 bird species have been recorded in this nature reserve of 500km². No tourists. Little developed in a positive sense.
Lonjsko Polje Nature Reserve is located along the Sava River. It is the largest still intact flood plain in Europe. Flooding can occur all year round, due to the unique location of the Sava and its tributaries, making the park an important buffer zone for the surrounding, inhabited areas. The unique micro-landscape of Lonjsko Polje provides an abundance of flora and fauna, with different types of marshes, meadows, forests and grasslands. An important element in the maintenance of the pastures is the livestock of the local farmers, such as the Possavina horses, an endangered species, of which there are only a thousand left. The Possavina horses roam freely in the area together with Podolac cattle, Turopolje pigs, the feral jackal, wild pigs and many other animals. The reserve has one of the largest breeding grounds of skedstork in Europe. It is a hardly developed tourism area. The world stopped here 50 years ago. Among the birds you can encounter in the area are skedstork, vit stork, svart stork, bronsibis, rallhäger, purpurhäger, Silkeshäger, Kohäger, natthäger, havsörn, mindre skrikörn, Brun glada, kungsfiskare, rördrom, mellanspett, gråspett, vitögd dykand, buskskvätta, halsbandsflugsnappare, skäggtärna and biätare.
Lonjsko Polje Nature Reserve is about 100 km from Zagreb. Ideal starting points for exploring are the villages of Čigoć, Lonja and Krapje. The nature reserve can be partially driven by car. Ideal: by bike and on foot. At the park administration in Čigoć and Krapje you can get information material, you can pay a small entrance fee to the park, and you can rent canoes and bicycles. Ideal accommodation options: pension, restaurant and small natural campsite in Lonja (pension Tišina, campsite Zelen-Gaj) with canoe and bicycle rental. For further information also see the links below. Click on a P in the map for directions.
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