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Beautiful cloud forest reserve with endemic birds close to Monteverde.
Reserva Bosque Nuboso Santa Elena Often is a beautiful cloud forest sitting at an altitude of over 1,700 metres (5,575 feet). With a year-round humidity of 100% and over 3,000 ml (118 in) of rain, this moist forest is constantly bathed in clouds. The Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve protects an area of 310 hectares (765 acres) and is often overshadowed by the more popular Monteverde Cloud Forest. But this lesser-known cloud forest is also very beautiful and, more important, much less visited than Monteverde.
Among the more than 400 bird species found here, the most sought after birds are are Resplendent Quetzal and Three-wattled Bellbird. But also birds like Highland Tinamou, Bare-shanked Screech-Owl, Collared Trogon, Northern Emerald-Toucanet and Keel-billed Toucan can be observed. Of course, many other rare birds, also many endemic species, can be found within in this great nature place with nice trails. Listening to the strange sound of the Black-faced Solitaire is a unique birding experience. These strange sounds, that overlays every other bird sond and carries so far, is produced by a relatively small bird. To spot one in the cloud forest is a great challenge.
The Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve is located 7 km / 4.3 mi from the town of Santa Elena and 20 minutes by car northeast of the village Monteverde in the central mountains of Costa Rica. Click on the P in the map for directions or coordinates. The free parking lot is close to the visitor centre at the entrance to the reserve. This is where you buy your ticket and the trails start. The bathrooms are just next to the visitor centre. Local guides can be booked optionally as well. Opening hours: 7 am – 4 pm daily, entrance fee: $ 18 (2024). The reserve has 12 km of trails to explore the forest.
Be prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions. With its location on the continental divide, Monteverde can follow either Pacific or Caribbean weather patterns. A cool, rainy, misty morning can give way to brilliant blue skies and intense sunshine in just a few minutes, and then, visitors can suddenly find themselves blanketed in fog. Always bring a hat, rain jacket or poncho, and waterproof bags or ziplock bags to store your personal electronics and important documents. When it’s misty or rainy, early mornings and evenings can be very chilly. Be prepared with a sweater or fleece.
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